Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eragon books - MUST READ

Okay, I know this has nothing to do with Whippets or even dogs - but I am in LOVE with these books. If you haven't read any of the Eragon books, you must! The third book is JUST out and I have it pre-ordered, just have to go pick it up. You must read the first book, Eragon, and the second book, Eldest, and then get the third book, Brisingr. They are incredible books and I have been DYING waiting for the third book to come out and now I am going to have a fit if I can't go and pick it up soon. There is one more book after this, not sure when it will be released but I don't think he's even done writing it yet. I have even gotten my little brother, Stuart (who will be 14 in a few days) to read the books and he just finished the second book and can't wait to start on the 3rd book. And I couldn't even get this kid to read the Harry Potter books (also AWESOME, not even comparable to the movies). My sister Kassi is now reading the first book and loves it and is almost done with it. They are wonderful books, and the author starting writing the first book at SIXTEEN years old!!!! Author, just in case you are wondering is Christopher Paolini. If you are into fantasy, dragons, magic, anything like that - you will love these books!

Okay, I have rambled along enough about the books, but I could go on all day about them!!! READ THEM - they are AWESOME.... enough said.


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